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Writer's pictureBecca

The Ellie Chronicles: Vol. I Get No Peace in This Damn House

As you know, Ellie has lived with me for just over a year now since I moved her in from my parents' house. Well, in that time frame, Frankie's mom has also gotten a cat, a black tabby named Norman. He is such a cutie, and he is so cuddly. He absolutely adores me. I swear cats know when you're a cat person. Of course, I work during the day. However, at night, I like to sit in my office and watch tv. It's tough to get peace in the bedroom because Ellie is constantly in and out of my lap. If she's not doing the hokey pokey, she's yelling at me or sleeping on her heating pad. In short, sometimes it's nice just to have me time every once in a while.

Well, since Frankie's mom got Norman, that me time has ended. If I'm in my office downstairs, he will come and sit outside of my door and holler at me to let him in. In case you don't believe me, here is photo evidence. He's kind of hard to see, but he's there. Lurking, waiting, yelling. Sometimes, instead of yelling, he'll rear up on my office door. I call that him "knocking" because it causes the door to rattle a little, and it's almost like he really is knocking.

Once I let him in my office, he's usually either running laps, chasing his toys, or rearing up on my leg to beg for pets. Eventually, he'll tucker himself out and take a long nap in my giant bean bag chair. Sometimes, I swear he wants in my office to sleep in the bean bag chair, not to hang out with me

Don't get me wrong, I love that both of the cats love hanging out and spending time with me. However, sometimes it might be a little nice not having two furry, adorable sharks lurking, waiting, and begging for attention.

When Frankie's mom isn't home, the neediness intensifies. Instead of just lurking outside of my office, he's lurk outside of Frankie's too and holler at us to let him in. It seems like he's doing it more and more often recently. Earlier today as I was getting ready for work, he was out there yelling at me. Normally, when I let him in Frankie's office, he'll just roam and nose around. Sometimes, he'll get up in Frankie's chair and take a nap. Today though, he jumped in my lap as I'm trying to work, begging for attention.

I keep trying to get Ellie and Norman to be friends. Norman wants nothing more than to hang out and be friends with Ellie, but needless to say, Ellie is having none of it. I think part of this is because of the issues we had with stray cats bullying her after Brownie died, but I think part of it might also be pure jealousy.

What's funny is how jealous Ellie gets of Norman. She has only-child syndrome like a MF. She will get so jealous whenever she catches me or Frankie giving Norman any kind of attention. One time, Norman was laying outside of our bedroom and begging me for attention. I picked him up so Frankie could say hi. I took him into the bedroom, and Ellie saw me bring him in. Frankie was petting him, and Ellie jumped up on the bed and got between Frankie and Norman. Basically, she was saying "I'm the only one who gets pets from Dad." It was so damn cute. I told my mom about this, and she asked if I ever got any peace in this house. The answer is an unequivocal no. In fact, if one of them licks a certain spot on my face, the other will smell it the next time I hold them and then lick me in the exact same spot on my face. It's like getting multiple brillo brush facials every day.

Earlier tonight, I let Ellie out into the living room so she could hang out with Norman for a little bit (they need to get used to each other), and that went about as well as you would expect. Ellie is normally okay with being in the same room as Norman, but he cannot get in her personal space. As soon as he gets in her bubble, she grumbles. If he keeps getting closer, she will hiss and swat as needed. I went out there to check on them, and Norman came running up to me. I asked him, "What's the matter, buddy? Did you get bullied? What did you do to get bullied?" He's interacted with Ellie enough to know what will or won't make her angry. He just chooses to do the opposite. Part of me feels bad for him because I know how badly he wants to befriend Ellie, but part of me also knows that if he would just leave her alone and let her approach him, she'd be more open to being friends. He's just too overzealous. If Ellie were a person, I'd say she always wants what she can't have because that is the best way to describe how to befriend her. She needs to get used to you, and you have to let her approach you.

Long story short, some days it feels like I'm living in damn soap opera, and the cats are the leading roles. I love them both dearly, but we definitely have two very needy and dramatic kitty cats in our home

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